I am a player in Chinese Mainland, and can only buy the PG-13Artbook of The Symbiant and The Symbiant Re:Union on steam platform. I saw that the 18+Artbooks of these two games can be exchanged with purchase records in the comments. I have sent you the purchase record via email, and I would greatly appreciate it if it could be replaced.
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Hello developer
I am a player in Chinese Mainland, and can only buy the PG-13Artbook of The Symbiant and The Symbiant Re:Union on steam platform. I saw that the 18+Artbooks of these two games can be exchanged with purchase records in the comments. I have sent you the purchase record via email, and I would greatly appreciate it if it could be replaced.
Hello, we apologize for not replying to your email earlier. I replied with the artbook keys now. We hope you enjoy it!
我在Steam购买了【The Symbiant - PG-13 Artbook & CG Pack】,请问可以换取18+的版本么?
你好! 请将确认您已购买 PG-13 艺术书的 Steam 电子邮件发送至 inquiry@gmail,我们将向您发送该艺术书的 itchio 密钥。 :)
糟糕,我弄错了。 我们的电子邮件是 inquiry.heartcoredev@gmail.com
请问这个购买内容只含有Artbook吗?这里的描述表示购买后可以获得Artbook和4K的CG Pack,购买后却只能下载Artbook。
您好,文件配置确实有问题。 请重新加载网页,您也会看到 CG Pack。